Advancing the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)
About this time last year I wrote a piece titled: Is AGOA a Failed U.S. Policy? where I detailed my own experience in using it and also 5 reasons why this policy is seriously underutilized. Today I want to share how we at Nazaru continue to drive its implementation one member and client at a time. When it comes to exporting from Africa into the U.S. market under AGOA - there truly is no magic pill and nothing happens overnight. It has to be driven through solid market entry strategy development, providing market linkages, capacity building, standardization, training and mobilization of resources for the private sector. This is achieved both at the micro and macro levels. We apply a multipronged approach which now governs the 4 pillars through which we operate as a company; No alt text provided for this image Through our trade facilitation offerings, we guide and provide linkages to brands and businesses looking to enter new markets - yes we do work on bilateral trade but today's ...