ASKTOYIN! - A New Series + updates

(from my LinkedIn Newsletter) 

Yippee! We have crossed the 20,000-subscriber count on this Newsletter!

I still remember a year ago when I published the first article - the count stood at 0 and I wondered if anyone was interested enough to even subscribe. I also clearly remember how excited I was when it grew to 300 subscribers as well. Over the past 1 year - as the pandemic intensified - so did my online communications.

About the same time that I launched this Newsletter I also launched my weekly Live show here on LinkedIn. Yes I could no longer hold in-person events and activities but I didn't let that stop me from communicating with my world - my community. Huge thank you to Daniel Roth, Editor in Chief and VP at LinkedIn and his team for supporting my transition online. They met with me, answered all my questions and gave me guidance and access to tools such as this Newsletter which is why I have remained connected with you all.

Once 100% of my work moved online - the downside to me was a somewhat loss of "privacy" - It forced me to show up more publicly than I would have. The mission became even greater than my need to stay private. I had taken a huge risk to leave corporate to do this... so I was all in. There are no plan Bs for me because I am a "black or white" kind of person; its either I am doing this or I am not. I do not know how to sit on the fence and straddle.

So here we are - in a "semi post-covid" world and I continue to look for ways to keep adding incredible value to my followers and subscribers and I am super excited to share with you the launch of ASKTOYIN, which is my attempt to achieve the following two things:

1) Merge the experiences of both my Live show and my Newsletters. One will feed the other...

2) Make this a community with two way communication channel - I communicate with you and you also have a backchannel to communicate with me... So this is how ASKTOYIN will work:

My followers and Newsletter Subscribers can now submit their questions online at: ---- the questions that come in will be answered LIVE by me during my weekly show series also now called ASKTOYIN. This means every Tuesday at 10am CST/11am EST - I will respond live to questions that we received ahead.

Now you might think: "What types of questions can I ask Toyin?"... let me let you in on a "secret" - In addition to my International Trade Business I also run a Ministry called The 360° Woman and on Clubhouse I found that questions about LIFE surpassed questions about BUSINESS. More people seemed to be more interested in knowing what drives me than what I actually do and that nudged me to consider "merging" my worlds - so basically feel free to ask me any questions centering on both BUSINESS & LIFE - I am pretty wide read and you might be surprised to know that I have an opinion on varying topics... from economics, investment to simply having a great time with my kids through baking :)

That's it for now folks - head over to to submit your questions. The very first submission will receive a FREE 1 hour Coaching session with me 😊. Just trying to sweeten the pot and incentivize you!

---- and after you have submitted your question (s) you can enjoy this 1 hour video below of me interviewing "the single largest private Investor in Rwanda" - Scott Ford - link:

This video is from the 2021 Trade with Africa Business Summit Collection. The full collection is now available at:


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