Advancing the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)


About this time last year I wrote a piece titled: Is AGOA a Failed U.S. Policy? where I detailed my own experience in using it and also 5 reasons why this policy is seriously underutilized. Today I want to share how we at Nazaru continue to drive its implementation one member and client at a time.

When it comes to exporting from Africa into the U.S. market under AGOA - there truly is no magic pill and nothing happens overnight. It has to be driven through solid market entry strategy development, providing market linkages, capacity building, standardization, training and mobilization of resources for the private sector. This is achieved both at the micro and macro levels. We apply a multipronged approach which now governs the 4 pillars through which we operate as a company;

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Through our trade facilitation offerings, we guide and provide linkages to brands and businesses looking to enter new markets - yes we do work on bilateral trade but today's writeup is more focused on Africa to U.S. exports under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

Our events are platforms where we showcase stakeholders and business opportunities. As example during this year's Trade with Africa Business Summit one of the showcase was the African Sheabutter Value chain and how it fits into the global billion dollar Beauty industry. We featured an exporter that we are now supporting to increase her exports to the U.S. - Similarly we showcased the President and CEO of Vera Cosmetics who is expanding into Africa. The Beauty space represents a growth sector for increasing U.S. - Africa bilateral Trade.

We also offer consulting services because knowing how to develop your winning export strategy is important because it is critical to the success of your market entry execution plan. I like to say that you must begin with the end in mind... When you know how big the market is for your sector you can craft how you intend to capture shares. Your sales and distribution strategies could lead you down the part of establishing local partnerships and for example an agent network. When you contact us these are types of details we develop for you.

Recently I have taken a personal interest in training and coaching because I know Retail is Fierce.

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I encounter the diaspora community and others "moving around in circles" - they are in motion - burning resources with the various activities they are involved in while making little or no actually commercial progress.

It is very sad to watch this happen so I now offer extended coaching to guide clients to success. I like this image on the right 👉 originally shared Edward Gorbis because it shows the importance of time and effort saved when you work with someone who has already been to where you are trying to go. We guide you to your destination as a business coach and we look forward to continuing to support those we serve to tap into our vast network as we guide them and also link them to resources and trade information. Due to this kind of hands on approach, they are able to see progress.

The African Growth and Opportunity Act is due to expire by 2025 and our focus is to continue to drive its use for those we serve everyday. During this year's Trade with Africa Business Summit, I brought this topic up while engaging with H.E. Ambassador Albert Muchanga of the African Union. I am thankful for the support they offer this community of investors, exporters, service providers and policy leaders that I serve through my work and platforms.


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